On the eve of Moving Day, Part 2

Tomorrow, if all goes well, our moving pods will be dropped off in front of the house next door in the morning, and the teenager we've hired to help us unload them will show up at one. We'll unload the pods and assemble at least the beds before WriterMan leaves for Vermont early Wednesday morning.

But so many things could go wrong. For example:

  1. The SUV with Oregon plates currently parked in front of one of our temporary No Parking signs (posted by the city over the weekend) could still be there when the pods arrive.
  2. The pods could not arrive.
  3. The teenager could not show up.
  4. The teenager could show up but not be strong enough for the three of us (he, WriterMan, and I) to haul the heavy furniture up the two flights of stairs to the front door. Beautiful mango-wood table, I am looking at you.
  5. One or more of us could injure ourselves hauling said furniture up said stairs. Given WriterMan's history of sprained ankles and my history of breaking my foot on stairs, this is a real possibility.
I am grateful that several things have already gone right. For example:
  1. The city granted our permit for temporary No Parking signs.
  2. The city posted the signs over the weekend. (There had been some initial confusion about whether they posted them or we posted them.)
  3. Our stuff arrived in California, despite the doom-and-gloom spouted by the owner of the local U-Haul office on the day we loaded the pods. "I have some pods here that were supposed to go to Oregon weeks ago. They're still here."
  4. I still have the key for the lock on the pods, despite totally not thinking about it at all until this morning when I had a temporary panic. Past me was so smart to put the key on my key chain and my key chain in my purse.
Please God by this time tomorrow all the stuff is in the apartment and I can post from the comfort of my couch before falling asleep on a real mattress.


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