California, here we come!

Eighteen years ago, my husband and I stepped on a plane with our three kids (ages 4, 5 months, and 5 months), and moved from Utah to Rhode Island, reversing generations of westward migration in both our families. I am so grateful for our time in New England, but there has been a growing sense over the last few years that it was time to return to the west coast.

We learned yesterday that my employer has agreed to relocate me to our San Francisco office, starting July 2.

We want this move. I fought hard for this move for almost two years. We are delighted to have the approval.

And yet, the logistics of the next few months have us quaking in our boots. I think we're about to find out why there's not a precedent for moving cross-country during the same summer you launch twins into post-high-school life.

When I told my husband we had approval, he hugged me, let out a big breath, and said, "It's probably too late to say I changed my mind."

Too late, indeed.


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